Posted on May 30, 2023 / 5
Listing Type : Events


The International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction (IAARC)

  • is the premier global organization dedicated to the advancement of Automation and Robotics in Construction.
  • represents fields of construction including civil and building engineering, machine automation, robotics applications to construction, information technologies, planning, logistics, and more.
  • is a non-profit-making organization and its membership is not just restricted to end-users, manufacturers and researchers, but welcomes participation from other industrial sectors and from government organizations.

The objectives of IAARC are:

  • to encourage, facilitate and promote the coordination of scientific and technical development in Automation and Robotics in Construction (ARC).
  • to facilitate the collection, compilation, publication, exchange and dissemination of scientific ARC data and information.
  • to encourage the execution of fundamental ARC studies, to advance research, laboratory investigations and field tests and to accelerate the use of ARC.
  • to assist the end-user application of Automation and Robotics in the construction industry.

The ISARC 2023, scheduled to be held July 4-7, 2023 in Chennai, India will be held as an in-person symposium. Detailed information about the symposium is available here.

The submission link for ISARC 2023:

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